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Ventricular Synchrony in Artificial Cardiac Stimulation

Oct 26, 2023

We recommend Chapter 29, entitled "Ventricular Synchrony in Artificial Cardiac Stimulation: The Role of the Helical Myocardium and the Fulcrum in the Electromechanical Coupling of the Heart", written by Dr. Alejandro Ventura, Dr. Luciana Viola and Dr. Andrés Di Leoni Ferrari. This chapter can be found in the e-book "Innovation in Health Research: Advancing the Limits of Knowledge".

In this chapter, the authors present a new perspective: an anatomical-mechanical-physiological view in which the coordination of cardiac activity is based on the interdependence between structure, activation and function: cardiac synchrony. In this context, physiological cardiac stimulation seeks to achieve maximum electromechanical coordination with the aim of improving cardiac systolic function.

The technique and strategy used allowed the authors to simplify and standardize the implantation of definitive electrodes in the His-Bundle Area (para-Hisian pacing), resulting in an effective and reliable procedure. In addition, Synchromax® is a safe and efficient device that helps cardiac pacemaker implanters to avoid dyssynchrony in pacemaker-dependent patients.

To access the complete chapter, we invite you to visit the following link: https://sevenpublicacoes.com.br/index.php/editora/article/view/2736/4204

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