+54 11 4000 7090 info@synchromax.com

Scientific Library: Synchromax®

In this section you will find documentation for download and links to third-party publications on the use of Synchromax®.

Synchromax® Brochures


New paradigm in pacemakers and CRT.

Brochure EXO Synchromax, "Non-invasive monitoring of cardiac synchrony".


Non-invasive monitoring of cardiac synchrony.

Brochure EXO Synchromax, "Non-invasive monitoring of cardiac synchrony".


Why is Synchromax® different from anything else?

Brochure EXO Synchromax Why is Synchromax different from everything known?


Can you really resynchronize a heart without evaluating cardiac electrical synchronicity?

Brochure EXO Synchromax, can you really resynchronize a heart without evaluating cardiac electrical synchrony?


Parahisian stimulation, non-invasive evaluation of cardiac electrical synchrony.

Brochure EXO Synchromax, Parahisian stimulation is now easy

Publications and works:



Permanent Cardiac Pacing of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Guided by Real-time Assessment of Electromechanical Synchrony

Permanent Cardiac Pacing of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Guided by Real-time Assessment of Electromechanical Synchrony

Permanent right ventricular apical pacing deteriorates cardiac systolic function in some patients. Investigation of an alternative site for permanent pacemaker lead positioning with the goal of achieving more physiological pacing, with adequate parameters achieved in 98% of the patients.

Ventura, Alejandro; Viola, Luciana; Di Leoni Ferrari, Andrés

J Innov Cardiac Rhythm Manage. 2024;15(4):5829-5837


Safety and Efficacy of His Bundle Area (Para-Hisian) Pacing Using a Mathematical Cross-Correlation Cardiac Synchrony cover

Safety and Efficacy of His Bundle Area (Para-Hisian) Pacing Using a Mathematical Cross-Correlation Cardiac Synchrony Index.

HBAP successfully captures the conduction system, normalizing the CSI despite producing a wider QRS, meaning that coordination is more important than duration for achieving optimal cardiac synchrony.

De Zuloaga, Claudio; Di Leoni Ferrari, Andrés


Electrophysiological demonstration of nonselective His-Purkinje system capture with para-Hisian pacing cover

Electrophysiological Demonstration of Nonselective His-Purkinje System Capture with Para-Hisian Pacing

QRS duration is not associated with changes in the cardiac synchrony index, meaning that QRS width does not significantly affect electrical synchrony.

De Zuloaga, Claudio; Di Leoni Ferrari, Andrés

J Electrocardiol. 2023 Mar 11;79:38-45


document thumbnail for download

Electrical synchrony guided para-Hisian implant technique

Evaluation of the safety and usefulness of the Synchromax®-guided method of implanting cardiodesfibrillators and pacemakers in the Hysian and para-Hysian positions using conventional catheters for pacemakers and screw-in defibrillators.

Logarzo, Emilio; Ortega, Daniel; Barja, Luis; Paolucci, Analía; Revollo, Gerson; Aboy, Juan Manuel; Mangani, Nicolás

Rev Electro and Arrhythmias 2019; 11: 51-58.


Electrical synchrony guided para-Hisian implant technique

Familial Complete Atrioventricular Block (FCAVB) DDDR Pacemaker Implant with Synchromax®.

Case of several generations of a family with complete atrioventricular block, with autosomal dominant Mendelian inheritance, in which one of the long term affected patients presented heart failure. Permanent pacemaker implantation was successfully performed with Synchromax®.

Carlos Rodríguez Artuza, Mayela Labarca, Mayreth Acosta, Eudomar Colmenares, Joan Linares and José Rubio

Journal of Vascular Medicine & Surgeries. J Vas Med & Sur, 2023 Volume 1(1): 2-2


document thumbnail for download

Usefulness of ventricular sense response in last-generation cardiac resynchronization therapy devices

Characterization of electrical dyssynchrony differences among baseline, BiV and VSR pacing, and determination of whether the VSR mode is as beneficial as the BiVmode in terms of electrical dyssynchrony.

Bonomini, María P.; Ortega, Daniel F.; Logarzo, Emilio; Mangani, Nicolás; Paolucci, Analía.

Journal of Electrocardiology 71 (2022) 47-52


Ventricular Synchrony in Para-Hisian Cardiac Pacing as an Alternative for Physiological Cardiac Activation (Indirect Recruitment of the His Bundle?)

Di Leoni Ferrari, Andres; Ferreira Gazzoni, Guilherme; Ley Domingues, Luis Manuel; Feltrin Willes, Jessica Caroline; Chiari Cabral, Gustavo; Costa Ferreira, Flavio Vinicius; Orlandini Lodi, Laura; Reis, Gustavo

Comparison of cardiac synchronisation using the Synchromax®method, technical characteristics and electrical parameters between two his-bundle pacing techniques: non-selective (NS-HBP) and para-Hisian pacing (PHP).

Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 2021.


Synchronising with wide QRS

Synchromax®analysis of the possibility that the synchrony achieved with high septal or "para-Hisian" RV pacing is due to symmetrical wavefront propagation through the cardiac muscle without any involvement of the specific conduction system.

Ventura, Alejandro

Rev Electro & Arrhythmias 2021; 13:43-48


Synchromax®-valued synchronous pacing in leadless pacemaker implantation. World's First Case

Egas, Diego; Rodríguez, Francisco; Serrano, Diego; Fierro, Christian; Gaibor, Juan Carlos; Yagloa, Galo; Rodríguez,

Rev Electro & Arrhythmias 2021; 13: 30-33


Capturing the His-Beam activates the intrinsic conduction system resulting in synchronised ventricular contraction (physiological artificial cardiac pacing).

Determination of cardiac synchrony, resource requirements and clinical outcomes of two alternatives for indirect His artificial cardiac pacing (RCT): non-selective (DDD-His group) versus para-Hisian (DDD-Synchromax® group).

Di Leoni Ferrari, Andres; Ley Domínguez, Luis Manuel, Feltrin Willes, Jessica Caroline; Chiari Cabral, Gustavo; Orlandini Lodi, Laura; Ferreira Gazzoni, Guilherme; Costa Ferreira, Flavio Vinicius

Cardiovasc Metab Sci. 2021; 32 (s2): s101-s106

Full document: https://www.medigraphic.com/pdfs/cardiovascuar/cms-2021/cmss212a.pdf


Advances in Physiological Cardiac Stimulation

Applicability of non-invasive ventricular synchrony analysis with the Synchromax®method in para-Hissian pacing as a safe, economical and easily reproducible alternative with good electromechanical results through indirect recruitment of the His bundle.

Galli Reis, Gustavo; Di Leoni Ferrari, Andres; Chiari Cabral, Gustavo; Ferreira Gazzoni, Guilherme; Ley, Luis Manuel; Feltrin Willes, Jessica Caroline; Costa Ferreira, Flavio Vinicius; Orlandini Lodi, Laura

J. Cardiac Arrythmias, São Paulo, v34, 1, pp. 45-47, Jan - Mar, 2021


Correlation of electrocardiographic criteria for left bundle branch block with intraventricular synchrony

Diagnosis of true desynchronising BCRI, without algorithms, using Synchromax®.

Ventura, A; Viola, L. EP Europace, Volume 23, Issue Supplement_3, May 2021, euab116.005


document thumbnail for download

Left ventricular asynchrony as a result of permanent apical stimulation by devices in the right ventricle

Demonstration of the potential usefulness of the correlation between the measurement of electrical synchronicity measured with Synchromax®and the evaluation of mechanical synchronicity by real-time transthoracic ultrasound (E3DTR).

Diego Chango-Azanza, Martín Munín, Gustavo Sánchez, Luis Arévalo-Pérez, Juan Chango-Azanza, María Pelayo, Analía Paolucci, Hugo Garro, Daniel Ortega

Archivos de Cardiología de México. 2020;90(3)


document thumbnail for download

Novel implant technique for septal pacing. A noninvasive approach to nonselective his bundle pacing

Evaluation of the usefulness and safety of the Synchromax®as a new non-invasive tool for guiding the implantation of conventional pacemaker and cardiodefibrillator catheters at the parahisian level.

Daniel Ortega, Emilio Logarzo, Luis Barja, Analía Paolucci, Nicolás Mangani, Eduardo Mazzetti, Paula Bonomini

Journal of Electrocardiology. Volume 63, November-December 2020, Pages 35-40


document thumbnail for download

Index of variance versus duration of QRS complex for the diagnosis of mechanical left ventricular leakage

Comparison of sensitivity, specificity and predictive values in patients undergoing strain echocardiography to measure mechanical dispersion, QRS duration and index of variance through the Synchromax®method. They concluded that the ECG with analysis of variance has higher sensitivity and negative predictive value to detect mechanical dyssynchrony compared to the conventional ECG. The index of dyssynchrony has a marked dependence on the mechanical dyssynchrony of the left ventricle.

Dr. Villarroel-Ábrego Hugo, Dr. Garillo Raúl.

Insuf Card 2020;15(1):2-9


SADEC article thumbnail

Is traditional resynchronization therapy obsolete? Is para-Hisian stimulation the new paradigm?

In the early days of heart stimulation the main concern was the maintenance of an adequate heart rate, given the absence of demonstrated deleterious effects during the acute period. The classic site of stimulation in the right ventricle (DV) was the apical region. In the 1980s some harmful effects of DV apex stimulation began to be described.

Ortega Daniel.

Rev Electro & Arrhythmias 2019; 11: 38-40


Biomedical Signal Processing and Control article thumbnail

Depolarization spatial variance as a cardiac dyssynchrony descriptor.

It presents the theoretical basis of the analysis Synchromax® performs on the surface ECG signal. It proposes the spatial variance to describe the dispersion of depolarization with respect to an average QRS morphology as a complement to the traditional measurement of the QRS width. María P.Bonomini, Daniel F.Ortega, Luis D.Barja, Nicolas Mangani, Pedro D.Arini

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control - Volume 49, March 2019, Pages 540-545.


American Heart Association article thumbnail

Will HPB make obsolete CRT?

Anne B. Curtis. Circulation. 2018;137:1546-1548.


Sadec article thumbnail

Intraventricular dyssynchrony and "electrical decoupling": An exclusive LBBB disorder?

Dr. Claudio de Zuloaga proposes in this article from the SADEC journal that ventricular dyssynchrony does not only occur in patients with BCRI but also in other conduction disorders. His studies were conducted with Synchromax®.

Claudio de Zuloaga, Osvaldo Angel Pérez Mayo, Gustavo Alejandro Costa, Ricardo Speranza, Alberto Alfie, Daniel Deluso, Marcelo Robi, Mauro Baliño, Nabel Colque, Camila Olivera, Adrian Bielecky. Rev Electro and Arrhythmias, 2018; 10: 48-55.


European Heart Rhytthm Association article thumbnail

Non-selective HBP with a biphasic waveform: enhancing septal resynchronization.

Possibility to resynchronize by stimulating the para-hisian zone with a waveform patented by Dr. Ortega et al. While there are cases where the same can be achieved with conventional waveforms, the value of this work lies in the fact that para-Hisian resynchronization with a single catheter is possible. We now know that it is much easier and safer to be guided by Synchromax®. Daniel F Ortega, Luis D Barja, Emilio Logarzo, Nicolas Mangani, Analia Paolucci, Maria P Bonomini

EP Europace, Volume 20, Issue 5, May 2018, Pages 816-822.


Synchromax EXO article thumbnail

EXO. Unpublished Synchromax® papers.

Extensive collection of very comprehensive works on clinical applications of Synchromax® in different situations. These works remained "unpublished" while the patents were pending. Daniel F. Ortega, Luis D. Barja, Emilio Logarzo, Analía Paolucci, Nicolás Mangani


  1. Synchromax® correlation with invasive electrophysiologic approach and tissue echocardiography for assessing intraventricular asynchrony.
  2. Synchromax® analysis of QRS in patients with conduction disturbances to demonstrate asynchrony.
  3. Correlation of electrical synchrony index by noninvasive method (Synchromax®) versus invasive method
  4. Do all pacemakers with leads implanted in the RV apex have electrical asynchrony?
  5. Synchromax® -guided implant and follow-up of a pacemaker lead in the apex of the right ventricle to prevent electrical asynchrony
  6. Septal stimulation: one way to avoid asynchrony. Noninvasive
    assessment of electrical synchrony (Synchromax®).
  7. Synchromax® evaluation and optimization of electrical asynchrony index in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy.


Journal of Electrocardiology article thumbnail

ECG parameters to predict left ventricular electrical delay.

Detailed description of the studies carried out to correlate certain ECG leads and subject them to a unique algorithm in order to obtain a synchrony index and curves reflecting this condition. The basis of Synchromax®.

Maria P. Bonomini, Daniel F. Ortega, Luis D. Barja, Emilio Logarzo, Nicolás Mangani, AnalíaPaolucci. Journal of Electrocardiology. Volume 51, Issue 5, September-October 2018, Pages 844-850.


Conicet article thumbnail

Electrical approach to improve left ventricular activation during RV stimulation.

Interesting work that demonstrated the feasibility of using para-Hisian stimulation to resynchronize.

Bonomini, Maria Paula; Ortega, Daniel Felipe; Barja, Luis Dante; Mangani, Nicolas; Paolucci, Analia; et al.; Electrical approach to improve left ventricular activation during right ventricle stimulation ; Medicina (Buenos Aires); Medicina (Buenos Aires); 77; 1; 6-2016; 7-12.


Sadec article thumbnail

Para-Hisian stimulation with implantable cardiodefibrillator for the treatment of patients with Brugada Syndrome.

New stimulation that makes the Brugada pattern disappear from the ECG. Again, it is stressed that para-hygiene implants are easier and safer when guided by Synchromax®.

Emilio Logarzo, Luis Barja, Daniel Ortega, Analía paolucci, Nicolás Mangani, Gerson Revollo, Juan Aboy. Rev Electro and Arrhythmias 2019; 11: 11-16.


Sadec article thumbnail

Non-conventional therapy in the treatment of the thunderstorm in the Brugada Syndrome. Case report.

The thunderstorm is avoided by making the Brugada pattern disappear through para-Hisian stimulation. A new U.S. patent has recently been granted on an algorithm developed by the authors to automate the detection and stimulation of the Brugada pattern, as well as to avoid ICD shocks.

Daniel Felipe Ortega, Luis Dante Barja, Emilio Logarzo, Analía Paolucci, Ariel Revollo, Nicolás Mangani. Rev Electro and Arrhythmias 2015; 9: 63-66.


Sadec article thumbnail

What we learned about biventricular synchrony with the use of Synchromax®.

Claudio de Zuloaga. Rev Electro and Arrhythmias 2015; 9: 38-43.


miniature of the article from Revista Costaricense de Cardiología

Para-Hisian stimulation guided by a cross-correlation index with two electrocardiographic leads.

Enrique Vives Rodríguez, Vivien Araya Gómez, Oswaldo Gutiérrez Sotelo, Luis Diego Solís Solís, Hugo Arguedas Jiménez, Emilio Logarzo. Rev. Costarric. Cardiol. Vol. 21 (2), December, 2019.


miniature of the article from Revista Costaricense de Cardiología

Stimulation of the right ventricle as a cause and aggravating factor of ventricular dyssynchrony.

Hugo Villarroel-Ábrego, Raúl Garillo. Rev. Costarric. Cardiol. Vol. 20 (2), December, 2018.


Sadec article thumbnail

New concepts in the treatment of hypertrophic

Daniel Felipe Ortega, Analia Gladys Paolucci, Luis Dante Barja, Emilio Ariel Logarzo, Nicolas Martin Mangani. Rev Electro and Arrhythmias 2017; 9: 69-71.


Synchromax article thumbnail

Evaluation of cardiac resynchronization therapy by Synchromax®. 6-minute walk test and Minnesota quiz

Use of the Synchromax® method to optimize Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) by evaluating the ventricular interval (VV) that best synchronizes the heart electrically. Barja L., Ortega D., Montes J.P., Logarzo E., Mangani N., Bonomini P.


thumbnail to Dr. EMILIO LOGARZO's article

When and to whom should cardiac
resynchronization therapy be given?

EMILIO LOGARZO. PROSAC - Module 15 - Fascicule Nº 2 - 2017.

Presentations and Posters:



Cardiac Synchrony in Patients with Pacemakers

Cardiac Synchrony in Patients with Pacemaker. Comparison between Apical Ventricular Electrode vs. Physiological Cardiac Stimulation. SBC 2023.

Comparison between Apical Ventricular Electrode vs Physiological Cardiac Stimulation using Synchromax.

Neuhaus Lignati, Bernardo; Chiari Cabral, Gustavo; Klafke, Luís Henrique; Bioni Stefano ,Nicolas; Feltrin Willes, Jessica Caroline; Ferreira Gazzon, Guilherme; Camargo Moreira, Thiago; Nunes Da Rosa, Daniel; Di Leoni Ferrari, Andres.



Parahissian stimulation with cardiodesfibrillator in patients with Brugada syndrome.

Parahyssian pacing with cardiodesfibrillator in patients with Brugada syndrome, guided by noninvasive evaluation of electrical synchrony. Long-term follow-up. SOBRAC 2023 #1963.

Evaluation of ECG pattern disappearance in Brugada syndrome and its potential antiarrhythmic effect in patients undergoing ICD implantation guided by a noninvasive method of electrical synchrony evaluation.

Ortega, Daniel; Paolucci, Analía; Logarzo, Emilio; Mangani, Nicolás; García, Evelyn




Septal motion associated with different types of stimulation.

Septal motion associated with different types of stimulation. Comparison with electrical synchronization. SOBRAC 2023 #1961.

Evaluation of septal motion by echocardiography in relation to electrical synchrony in terms of ventricular function.

Ortega, Daniel; Paolucci, Analía; Logarzo, Emilio; Mangani, Nicolás; García, Evelyn



Will this be the end of optimization algorithms in cardiac pacing devices?

Will it be the end of optimization algorithms in cardiac pacing devices? SOBRAC 2023 #1960.

Study of septal motion by echocardiogram in relation to electrical synchrony in terms of ventricular function.

Evaluation of the need for manual optimization of VV and AV intervals in patients with unconventional pacing, with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) devices that combine para-Hisian activation (PH) with RV apex (AVD).

Ortega, Daniel; Paolucci, Analía; Logarzo, Emilio; Mangani, Nicolás; García, Evelyn



Parahisian Stimulation with Cardiodesfibrillator in Patients with Brugada Syndrome Guided by Noninvasive Assessment of Electrical Synchrony

Parahisian Stimulation with Cardiodesfibrillator in Patients with Brugada Syndrome Guided by Noninvasive Evaluation of Electrical Synchrony. Long-Term Follow-Up. CAA2023 #5177.

Evaluation of ECG pattern disappearance in Brugada Syndrome and its potential antiarrhythmic effect in patients undergoing ICD implantation guided by noninvasive electrical synchrony assessment method. Evaluation of long-term evolution.

Ortega, Daniel; Paolucci, Analía; Logarzo, Emilio; Mangani, Nicolás; Mangani, Nicolás; García, Evelyn



14-Year Electrical Synchrony Follow-Up of Patients with Parahysian Stimulation

14-Year Electrical Synchrony Follow-up of Patients with Parahysian Stimulation. Upgrade to Another Form of Stimulation. CAA2023 #5141.

Study of the maintenance over time of electrical synchrony curves after implantation of a cardiac pacing device in the parahisian position and the requirement to upgrade to resynchronization therapy.

García, Evelyn; Ortega, Daniel; Logarzo, Emilio; Paolucci, Analía; Mangani, Nicolás




SADEC 2023 algorithms

Is it the End of Optimization Algorithms in Cardiac Pacing Devices? CAA2023 #5141.

Evaluation of the need for manual optimization of VV and AV intervals in patients with unconventional pacing, with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) devices that combine para-Hisian activation (PH) with RV apex (AVD).

Ortega, Daniel; Paolucci, Analía; Logarzo, Emilio; Mangani, Nicolás; Mangani, Nicolás; García, Evelyn


 Septal Motion Findings Associated with Different Types of Stimulation

Septal Motion Findings Associated with Different Types of Stimulation. Comparison with Electrical Synchrony. CAA2023 #5145.

Study of septal motion by echocardiogram in relation to electrical synchrony in terms of ventricular function.

García, Evelyn; Ortega, Daniel; Logarzo, Emilio; Paolucci, Analía; Rojas, Paola; Mangani, Nicolás



Safety and Efficacy of His Bundle Area

Safety and Efficacy of His Bundle Area (Para-Hisian) Pacing Using a Mathematical Cross-Correlation Cardiac Synchrony Index.

HBAP successfully captures the conduction system, normalizing the CSI despite producing a wider QRS, meaning that coordination is more important than duration for achieving optimal cardiac synchrony.

De Zuloaga, Claudio; Di Leoni Ferrari, Andrés



Cardiac Synchrony in Patients with Pacemaker. Comparison between Apical Ventricular Electrode vs. Physiological Cardiac Stimulation. SOCERGS 2023

Cardiac Synchrony in Patients with Pacemaker. Comparison between Apical Ventricular Electrode vs. Physiological Cardiac Stimulation. SOCERGS 2023

Comparison between Apical Ventricular Electrode vs Physiological Cardiac Stimulation using Synchromax®.

Neuhaus Lignati, Bernardo; Chiari Cabral, Gustavo; Klafke, Luís Henrique; Bioni Stefano ,Nicolas; Feltrin Willes, Jessica Caroline; Di Leoni Ferrari, Andrés


miniature POSTER SOBRAC 2022 1849

Resyncrhonization Therapy Responders Guided By Non-Invasive Electrical Synchrony Method. WCA 2019 - EP 1163

Evaluation of CRT response rate guided by Synchromax® during the device implantation and follow up.

Logarzo, Emilio; Ortega, Daniel; Barja, Luis; Aboy, Juan Manuel; Revollo, Gerson; Mangani, Nicolás; Paolucci, Analía.


miniature POSTER SOBRAC 2022 1849


Ortega Daniel, Paolucci Analía, Logarzo Emilio, Mangani Nicolas, García Evelyn.

Demonstration of the long-term safety of parahisian placement in Synchromax®-guided ICD implants.


miniature POSTER SOBRAC 2022 1846


Ortega Daniel, Paolucci Analía, Logarzo Emilio, Mangani Nicolas, García Evelyn.

Evaluation of the usefulness and safety of parahisian implantation guided by the Synchromax® method using conventional wires.


miniature Poster Ventura 4573 CAA2022


Viola Luciana, Ventura Alejandro, Mlinarevic Milka, Zárate Horacio, Foschiatti Lucas.

Use of Synchromax® for noninvasive determination of electrical asynchrony.


miniature Poster Ventura 4576 CAA2022


Viola Luciana, Ventura Alejandro, Mlinarevic Milka, Zárate Horacio, Foschiatti Lucas.


PowerPoint miniature


García Evelyn, Ortega Daniel, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analia, Mangani Nicolas.

Assessment of electrical dyssynchrony in patients with frequent ventricular extrasystoles using the Synchromax® method.


PowerPoint miniature


García Evelyn, Ortega Daniel, Mangani Nicolas, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analia.

Synchromax® evaluation of the effect of high output stimulation on electrical synchrony with para-Hisian catheters.


PowerPoint miniature


Ortega Daniel, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, García Rodriguez Evelyn.

Evaluation with Synchromax® of the effect on the electrical synchrony of the heart generated by stimulation at the parahisian level using different wave types.


PowerPoint miniature


Logarzo Emilio, Ortega Daniel, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, García Rodriguez Evelyn.

Synchromax®-guided para-Hisian pacing using conventional pacemaker catheters maintains long-term ventricular synchrony with a low rate of displacement, making it a safe and effective technique.


PowerPoint miniature


Logarzo Emilio, Ortega Daniel, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, García Rodriguez Evelyn.

Synchromax®-guided para-Hisian pacing in patients with ICDs is safe in the long term, maintains adequate R-wave thresholds and sensing, and prevents arrhythmic events and appropriate shocks even in case of electrical storm in Brugada syndrome.


PowerPoint miniature

A novel non-invasive electrical synchrony method to improve cardiac resynchronization therapy responders. ESC 2020 #83136

Electrical synchrony evaluation using Synchromax® during ICD-CRT device implantation.

Logarzo Emilio, Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis Barja, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Revollo Gerson, Aboy Juan.


PowerPoint miniature

Non-selective para-hisian stimulation used for QRS normalization guided by non-invasive electrical synchrony method in patients with electrical conduction disorders. ESC 2020 #83121

Usefulness and safety evaluation of non-selective para-hisian stimulation guided by Synchromax® using conventional screw-in leads to normalize electrical conduction disorders.

Logarzo Emilio, Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Paolucci Analía, Revollo Gerson, Aboy Juan, Mangani Nicolás.


PowerPoint miniature

Non-invasive electrical synchrony method to guide para-hisian stimulation implant technique. ESC 2020 #83108

Usefulness and safety of Synchromax® method using conventional screw-in leads to guide para-hisian device implantation.

Logarzo Emilio, Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Revollo Gerson, Aboy Juan Aboy


PowerPoint miniature

Do all pacemakers with leads implanted in the right ventricular apex have electrical dyssynchrony? WCA 2019 - ORAL 1167

Retrospective study of 150 patients with conventional definitive pacemakers implanted in apex of the DV, evaluated with Synchromax®. Not all stimulation from the apex of the right ventricle is dyssynchronous despite being different from the physiological.

Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Aboy Juan, Revollo Gerson.


PowerPoint miniature

Synchromax® II-guided implantation and follow-up of a pacemaker with apex catheters in the right ventricle to avoid electrical dyschrony. WCA 2019 - ORAL 1168.

Performance of Synchromax® guided implants in apex of the VD, to avoid the electrical dyssynchrony that occurs when catheters are implanted "blindly" or not guided.

Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Aboy Juan, Revollo Gerson.


PowerPoint miniature

Parahisian stimulation for resynchronization of a patient with complete left branch blockage secondary to aortic valve replacement and septal myomectomy. WCA 2019 - CASE24

Teresa García Botta, Dr. Santiago Florit, Dr. Ezequiel Espinosa, Dr. Carlos Altamirano, Dr. Valeria Anglesio, Dr. Micaela Moccia, Dr. Omar Vega, Dr. Raúl Pérez Etchepare, Dr. Pablo Stutzbach.


PowerPoint miniature

Diagnosis, interventions and results in arrhythmias in tetralogy of Fallot. Making a difference. SAC 2019 - FALLOT

Resynchronization in patients with tetralogy of Fallot using the Synchromax® technique

Scaglione, Jorge


PowerPoint miniature

Usefulness of the ventricular sensing response in state-of-the-art CRT devices WCA 2019 - EP 1160.

Modern resynchronizers incorporated an algorithm to maintain biventricular stimulation in case of atrial arrhythmias with ventricular conduction. The activity in the right ventricle is detected and a biventricular spike is fired without delay. Analysis with Synchromax® II concluded that this strategy has no effect on electrical resynchronization (QRS duration) or on the morphology of electrical dyssynchrony curves.

Ortega Daniel, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Aboy Juan, Revollo Gerson


PowerPoint miniature

Evaluation of the electrical synchronicity in patients with LBR candidates for CRT through a non-invasive method of analysis of ECG variance (Synchromax® II). WCA 2019 - EP 1086

Evaluation of patients with LBR candidates for CRT through the Synchromax®. Division of LBB into synchronous intermediate and dyssynchronous regardless of QRS width, with 29% of patients with synchronous LBB. This finding could explain 30% of the non-responders to CRT, since these patients do not present electrical dyssynchrony to be corrected with CRT.

Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Aboy Juan, Revollo Gerson.


PowerPoint miniature

Correlation of the electrical synchrony index by non-invasive method (Synchromax® II) verses invasive method - WCA 2019 - EP 1161.

Comparison of QRS width and onset time with LV deflection in the coronary sinus with different stimulation sites, versus the non-invasive electrical synchrony index (ESI) measured with Synchromax® II.

Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Aboy Juan, Revollo Gerson.


PowerPoint miniature

Evaluation and optimization of the rate of electrical desynchrony in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy by Synchromax® II WCA 2019 - EP 1169.

Analysis of 30 patients with CRT and optimization of electrical synchronization by varying the interval of ventricular stimulation with Synchromax®.

Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Aboy Juan, Revollo Gerson.


PDF thumbnail

Para-hisian pacemaker implantation technique guided by Synchromax® method. ESC Munich 2018.

Illustrative summary of a para-hysian implant guided by Synchromax®. Logarzo Emilio, Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Paolucci Analía, Revollo Gerson, Mangani Nicolás, Paladino Carlos.


PDF thumbnail

Novel Brugada Syndrome treatment using para-hisian stimulation. HRS 2019 - S-PO 05.

The purpose of the study is to verify the feasibility of implanting defibrillators in the para-Hisian zone, guided by Synchromax®, in patients with Brugada Syndrome. Logarzo Emilio, Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Paolucci Analía, Revollo Gerson, Aboy Juan, Mangani Nicolás.


JPG thumbnail

Correlation of intracavitary hisiogram with non-invasive electrical synchrony evaluation method (Synchromax® II) for parahisian stimulation. FAC19-1044.

Explanation of the correlation between the presence of the intracavitary hisiogram and the Synchromax® curve 2. The findings of this study make it possible to determine Synchromax® as a tool that simplifies the para-hysian implant technique. Daniel Ortega, Dr. Luis Barja, Dr. Emilio Logarzo, Dr. Analia Paolucci, TPC Nicolas Mangani, Dr. Gerson Revollo, Dr. Juan Manuel Aboy.


PowerPoint miniature

Analysis of QRS in patients with conduction disturbances to demonstrate Synchromax® II dyscrynonia. WCA 2019 - ORAL 1170

Evaluation of the degree of electrical dyssynchrony through a non-invasive method, with the determination of an index and characteristic curves representing a group of patients with different types of conduction disorders.

Ortega Daniel, Barja Luis, Logarzo Emilio, Paolucci Analía, Mangani Nicolás, Aboy Juan, Revollo Gerson.


JPG thumbnail

Pacemaker implant with para-Hisian septal stimulation. FAC19-1076.

Synchromax® as a tool to simplify the implant technique Dr. Alejandro Ventura, Dr. Luciana Viola, Dr. Lisandro Soriano


JPG thumbnail

Study of interventricular electrical synchrony in a non-invasive way. FAC19-1077.

Analysis and comparison of the electrical dysynchrony present in the different conduction disorders, concluding that the disorders that most generate it are the blocks of left branch and in second place the blocks of right branch plus left anterior hemiblock. Dr. Alejandro Ventura, Dr. Luciana Viola, and Dr. Lisandro Soriano.


JPG thumbnail

Alterative site stimulation with implantable cardiodefibrillator for the treatment of patients with Brugada Syndrome. FAC19-1045.

Novel treatment of Brugada Syndrome using para-hysian stimulation guided by Synchromax®. Dr. Daniel Ortega, Dr. Luis Barja, Dr. Emilio Logarzo, Dr. Analia Paolucci, TPC Nicolas Mangani, Dr. Gerson Revollo, Dr. Juan Manuel Aboy.