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XXXVII FAC National Congress of Cardiology

June 3, 2019

Synchromax was present at the XXXVII National Congress of Cardiology of the FAC in Rosario, Santa Fe. 30 May to 1 June 2019.

Several papers on Synchromax were presented:

- FAC19-1044 "Correlation of intracavitary hisiogram with non-invasive electrical synchrony evaluation method (Synchromax II) for parahisian stimulation

Dr. Analía Paolucci explained the correlation between the presence of an intracavitary hisiogram and the Synchromax curve 2. The findings of this study allow us to determine Synchromax as a tool that simplifies the para-hysian implant technique.

Authors: Dr. Daniel Ortega, Dr. Luis Barja, Dr. Emilio Logarzo, Dr. Analia Paolucci, TPC Nicolas Mangani, Dr. Gerson Revollo and Dr. Juan Manuel Aboy.

Alternative site stimulation with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator treatment Brugada Syndrome

- FAC19-1045 "Alternate Site Stimulation with Implantable Cardiodefibrillator for Treatment of Patients with Brugada Syndrome

Dr. Analía Paolucci presented the following a poster about a novel treatment of Brugada Syndrome using para-hisian stimulation guided by Synchromax.

Authors: Dr. Daniel Ortega, Dr. Luis Barja, Dr. Emilio Logarzo, Dr. Analia Paolucci, TPC Nicolas Mangani, Dr. Gerson Revollo and Dr. Juan Manuel Aboy.

Parahisiama septal stimulation pacemaker implant

- FAC19-1076 "Implantation of a pacemaker with septal stimulation"

Dr. Alejandro Ventura's team presented the work, highlighting the Synchromax as the tool that allows simplifying the implant technique.

Authors: Dr. Alejandro Ventura, Dr. Luciana Viola and Dr. Lisandro Soriano.

Non-invasive study of ventricular electrical synchrony

- FAC19-1077 "Non-invasive Ventricular Electrical Synchrony Study"

Dr. Alejandro Ventura's team presented the poster in which they analyzed and compared the electrical dyssynchrony present in the different conduction disorders, concluding that the disorders that most generate it are left branch blocks and secondly right branch blocks plus left anterior hemiblock.

Authors: Dr. Alejandro Ventura, Dr. Luciana Viola and Dr. Lisandro Soriano.